About Us

   Rayee Packaging Products Co., Ltd. is an international trading company specializing in the sales of pulp molded environmentally friendly tableware, pulp molded products, pulp egg packaging, plastic egg packaging, and ton bags.
The company was established in March 2015. It cooperates with excellent local manufacturers and has 18 years of export experience. Its customers are all over Europe and the United States. Our products are of high quality, environmentally friendly and healthy, comply with food-grade standards, and have various food-grade certificates. Among them, paper pulp products can produce natural pulp, white pulp series, bowls, plates and other types of products. "Using the highest quality raw materials to create green and environmentally friendly food packaging and create a civilized and healthy life" has always been our goal.
The physical properties and hygienic indicators of the products comply with the GB18006.1-1999 standard, and all products have passed FDA, SGS and hygienic inspection standards.
High-quality products and excellent services are our eternal pursuit. We always insist on being customer-centric and provide you with the highest quality products and the most considerate services.For high quantity,please contact with us by email.vickiema888@gmail.com.We can do our best for the lower price.